Friday, April 27, 2012

New Stuff - wait where did this come from

From the last time I posted on here blogger decided to change the format so I got a little disoriented (not that unusual for me).  Well, got a request from Osprey on how I wanted my name to appear on the cover.  Yeah - getting closer, and by closer I mean January 2013.  Excitement galore on that front.

 I'm starting a new project at the moment - Gembarzewski's book on Polish units 1717 - 1831 was a great resource, but very difficult to find.  I'm copying it over in Polish and will put a free PDF download on the site when I am finished.  After that I will put up a translation, annotated and with more information that I will make available as an e-book for a small fee or as a POD copy.

Just finished two articles for the fine folks at Warlord Games on Assyrians and Persians to go with their newly released figures.  There is a third article coming for a yet un-released range so look for that.  More news when I have it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Some updates and a Pubdate

Finally we have a PUBDATE!  January 2013 is when it goes on-sale, shipping in December 2012.  The irony here is if the Mayan Prophecies comes true you may never see it.  It's always something.

The artist's notes are done.  I expect I may see some changes to the text, but I feel like a good part of the process is done.

There are some more articles up on the Warlord website - mostly Russian Napoleonic uniforms.  I am also working on some ancient history for the Persians and Assyrians just to show I'm not a one-trick pony :).

I have been busy with a bunch of non-history stuff at the moment, but hopefully more updates soon as we get closer to the print date. I'm not sure how long Osprey prints ahead of release, but this means it could mean it has to be edited, laid out and illustrated to go to print in July or August - not that long in print terms.

In any case this is a whoo-hoo moment.