Thursday, May 5, 2011

Island of Misfit words

One of the hardest things about writing this history is working within the limits on words.  When you are commissioned to write, most works have parameters on how many words it will contain.  That is because all books have set prices by format and a recommended page count to fit in that format.  Write too many words and you either make the font smaller or include more pages.  If you include more pages you eat into the profit margin.  Make the font too small and people squint to read.  As I went along in the process doing research I was worried at first that  I wouldn't have enough information on uniforms to make this unique.  Now I have to decide what to cut and what will stay - more descriptions or more narratives.  Whatever doesn't make it in the final printed version can always be added in the e-book I guess.  So there are always words that get cut.  Sometimes writers save them to use later, sometimes they just get sent to the Island of misfit words.

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